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A Guide On Funded Kindergarten Programs

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Funded kindergartens programs are those that receive funding from the state government. They are an ideal option for parents that cannot afford kindergarten for their kids. Below is an extensive excerpt on funded kindergarten programs and the considerations to make when enrolling your child in a funded kindergarten.  How Do Funded Kindergarten Programs Work?  Funded kindergarten programs allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to access kindergarten. More often than not, funding is extended to long day care and sessional kindergartens. Read More»

3 Academic Principles Taught At Kindergarten

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When your child starts kindergarten, their daily routine and how they spend their time will change significantly. They will be exposed to lots of new concepts, and it understandably can take children a little time to get to grips with their new environment and get to know their teacher and classmates. By being aware of what your child will be learning at kindergarten, you can offer them support, and this can help them feel settled and secure. Read More»